
Can Risk Assessment Help Us Determine if Regulations Kill Jobs?

Can Risk Assessment Help Us Determine if Regulations Kill Jobs?

Quantitative risk assessment, currently used to evaluate environmental and health hazards, can also analyze regulations’ impact on jobs.

Informing the Debate over Regulation’s Impact on Jobs

Informing the Debate over Regulation’s Impact on Jobs

Debate over regulation’s effects on employment would benefit from better policy analysis.

Does Regulation Kill Jobs?

Does Regulation Kill Jobs?

New book from Penn Program on Regulation explores the connection between regulation and employment.

House Subcommittee Considers Scrubbing Away “Burdensome” Regulations

House Subcommittee Considers Scrubbing Away “Burdensome” Regulations

New bill would empower an independent commission to force agencies to eliminate or amend rules.

Improving Regulation Requires Closer Scrutiny of Benefits

Improving Regulation Requires Closer Scrutiny of Benefits

Many regulations fail to demonstrate a need for agency action.

Internalizing Cost-Benefit Analysis

Internalizing Cost-Benefit Analysis

Agencies can improve both regulatory analysis and decision-making by establishing internal review capacity.

House Subcommittee Airs Debate Over “Secret Law”

House Subcommittee Airs Debate Over “Secret Law”

Public access to regulations takes center stage at congressional hearing.

The Problem of Political Ignorance

The Problem of Political Ignorance

Voter ignorance bolsters arguments for judicial review and limited government.

Improving Disability Adjudication

Improving Disability Adjudication

ACUS makes several recommendations to improve SSA’s claim processing.

Behavioral Science in the Regulatory State

Behavioral Science in the Regulatory State

New research paper examines the challenges and opportunities of a behavioral approach to regulation.

The Growing Application of Cost-Benefit Analysis to Financial Regulation

The Growing Application of Cost-Benefit Analysis to Financial Regulation

Cost-benefit analysis assumes an increasingly prominent role in financial rulemaking.

Cost and Benefit Changes During Federal Rulemakings

Cost and Benefit Changes During Federal Rulemakings

Data from recent rulemakings do not show that OIRA review systematically lowers estimated benefits and increases estimated costs.