Risk Identification in AI Regulation
Daniel Ho discusses the importance of identifying emerging risks for effective artificial intelligence regulation.
Business Intimidation in the Rulemaking Process
Scholars reveal how businesses lobbying can intimidate agencies and influence rulemaking.
Maintaining the Durability of Regulatory Analysis
Susan Dudley, former OIRA Administrator, discusses proposed changes to federal guidelines for regulatory impact analysis.
Online Processes in Agency Adjudication
Agencies can improve their adjudicatory processes by broadening access to their electronic case management systems.
Improving Virtual Public Engagement
A new series of recommendations from ACUS will help agencies improve their use of virtual engagement in rulemakings.
Artificial Intelligence for Retrospective Regulatory Review
Artificial intelligence can help agencies review and improve their existing regulations.
Using Technology to Improve Administration
ACUS issues new recommendations to enhance administrative governance through digital technology.
Affirmatively Disclosing Agency Legal Materials
ACUS takes an important step forward toward improving agency disclosure of legal materials.
Achieving Regulatory Success Through Failure
Scholar argues that regulators need “permission to fail” when adapting to private sector innovation.
Modernizing the “Value of a Statistical Life”
Regulators should adopt alternative approaches to valuing avoided mortality in regulatory analysis.
Are Most Federal Statutes Unconstitutional?
Recent appellate judge’s dissent charts a radical approach to the nondelegation doctrine.
How To Regulate With Excellence
Cary Coglianese discusses how regulators can sharpen their skills and produce better regulatory outcomes.