
Online Regulatory Consultation in China

Online Regulatory Consultation in China

The Communist Party uses e-rulemaking to maintain its popularity.

Calibrating Chevron for Preemption

Calibrating Chevron for Preemption

Regulatory preemption of state law should be tied to the presence of a preemption clause.

CPR Report on OIRA’s Meetings Ignores Their Context

CPR Report on OIRA’s Meetings Ignores Their Context

Increased regulatory action under Obama means that OIRA has more regulations to review.

Is the Regulatory Sky about to Fall?

Is the Regulatory Sky about to Fall?

Claims that the Regulatory Accountability Act will paralyze agencies have a long pedigree.

Agencies Should Pay For Any Copyrighted Materials They Incorporate by Reference

Agencies Should Pay For Any Copyrighted Materials They Incorporate by Reference

Incorporated materials may be difficult to obtain, so agencies must make them available at their own expense.

The Challenges of Emergency Risk Regulation

The Challenges of Emergency Risk Regulation

As not all crises can be anticipated, it is important to understand emergency regulation.

“Deference” is Too Confusing – Let’s Call Them “Chevron Space” and “Skidmore Weight”

“Deference” is Too Confusing – Let’s Call Them “Chevron Space” and “Skidmore Weight”

Distinct concepts clarify judicial review of U.S. agency decision making.

Bipartisan Bill Would Add Procedural Hurdles to Agency Rulemaking

Bipartisan Bill Would Add Procedural Hurdles to Agency Rulemaking

Bill places special emphasis on rules with a high impact on the economy.

Getting the Numbers Right

Getting the Numbers Right

Judicial review of benefit-cost analysis is no cure-all.

What Can We Learn From the Unified Regulatory Agenda?

What Can We Learn From the Unified Regulatory Agenda?

Semiannual government report speaks to timely debate over federal regulations.

PPR Hosts Conference on U.S. Regulation Crisis

PPR Hosts Conference on U.S. Regulation Crisis

Leading scholars analyze whether regulation has suffered a breakdown.

White House Actions on Regulatory Reform Do Not Match Its Rhetoric

White House Actions on Regulatory Reform Do Not Match Its Rhetoric

The Obama Administration has only insignificantly lightened regulatory burdens.