New Jersey Court Approves Common Law Right of Access to Agency Depositions
The state’s equivalent of FOIA does not set the bounds of access.
Federal Agencies Submit Scientific Integrity Policies
Policies submitted in response to OSTP memorandum.
Perfecting Our Recipe for Regulatory Compliance
Agencies should use e-government initiatives to improve regulatory compliance.
Debt Ceiling Legislation Also Speaks to Administrative Law
Rules governing student loans are exempt from a negotiated rulemaking mandate.
Congress Needs Its Own Regulatory Review Office
OIRA oversight of regulation is necessary, but not sufficient.
Expand Centralized Regulatory Review to Independent Agencies
Congress should require independent regulatory commissions to perform cost-benefit analyses
New Recommendations for Valuing Mortality Risk Reductions
EPA’s Science Advisory Board offers recommendations to improve cost-benefit analysis.
Recent Supreme Court Decisions Interpret the Freedom of Information Act
The Court clarifies FOIA and its exemptions.
The REINS Act: A Constitutional Means to Control Delegation
The proposed legislation would give Congress authority over a limited set of major regulations.
Senate Committee Continues Review of Regulatory Reform Bills
Two former OIRA Administrators testify at hearing.
The Dangers of Indicators
Increased reliance on indicators can mask an institution’s non-quantifiable policies, Galit A. Sarfaty argues.