Week in Review
Scott Gottlieb announces resignation from FDA, Democrats propose new bill to restore Obama-era Internet regulations, and more…
Week in Review
U.S. Senate confirms Wheeler as EPA Administrator, Michael Cohen testifies before Congress, and more…
Week in Review
President Trump declares emergency at southern border, Supreme Court to review census citizenship question, and more…
Week in Review
Senate passes Natural Resources Management Act, European Union agrees to change its copyright law, and more…
Week in Review
President Trump delivers the State of the Union, David Bernhardt receives nomination for Secretary of the Interior, and more…
Week in Review
U.S. government shutdown continues, U.S. Supreme Court freezes court orders halting Trump Administration’s ban on transgender members of the military, and more…
Week in Review
Coast Guard misses paychecks due to government shutdown, judge rules that 2020 census citizenship question violates the APA, and more…
Week in Review
The federal government shutdown persists, President Trump formally nominates Andrew Wheeler as EPA Administrator, and more…
Week in Review
U.S. government shuts down, federal courts reject Trump Administration’s request to implement its asylum rule, and more…
Week in Review
The Department of Justice bans bump stocks, a federal judge strikes DOJ policies restricting asylum seekers, and more…