
Week in Review

Week in Review

The Trans-Pacific Partnership’s final text is released, the SEC issues a rule on securities-based crowdfunding, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

The FDA and DOT take steps to regulate electronic cigarettes, twenty-four states challenge the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

The FAA and DOT announce registration requirements for recreational drone operators, presidential candidate proposes curtailing fracking regulations, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

U.S. House representative calls for tighter restrictions on recreational drones, the FTC coordinates with other agency investigations of Volkswagen, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

Hillary Clinton proposes financial sector regulations, the White House announces that sustainability will not be a factor in the 2015 dietary guidelines, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama authorizes FAA funding but may veto the DOD’s spending bill, the EPA updates its worker protection standard, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

The DOJ launched an investigation of Volkswagen, the Obama administration announced steps to expedite infrastructure projects, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama issues an executive order directing agencies to use behavioral science research, the EPA Administrator testifies about the Gold King Mine spill, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

The FDA finalizes rules to prevent food-borne illnesses, President Obama issues an executive order about paid sick leave requirements, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

Postal workers seek public support for their labor grievances this holiday weekend, a court grants an injunction against the EPA’s “Waters of the U.S.” rule, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

Gun control advocates call for stricter regulations after the on-air shooting of a news crew, the EPA issues federal water quality standards, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

The EPA proposes measures to curb methane emissions, the FTA requests comments on a proposed rule to maintain the safety of public transportation, and more…