The Future of Working from Home
Experts address regulatory implications of the transition to remote work.
Utility Ratemaking for Racial Justice
Performance-based ratemaking could help lessen racial inequities in energy burdens.
An End Run Around the Gun Industry Liability Shield
New York lawmakers’ attempt to regulate guns will result in significant legal challenges.
Improving Protections for Native Religious Sites and Rights
Scholars argue religious liberty laws should stop the federal government from destroying Native sacred sites.
Reversing a Midnight Expansion of the Death Penalty
The Biden Administration is expected to withdraw last-minute Trump Administration death penalty regulation.
What Is the Future of Social Media Regulation?
Justice Thomas signals the potential for regulation of social media platforms and their power over speech.
Title IX and Campus Sexual Assault
Experts address how changing Title IX policies on campus sexual assault impact students.
Resisting Regulatory Oppression of Transgender Children
The formal and structural exclusion of transgender youth is morally wrong and unlawful.
The Weaponization of Title IX in Sports
Title IX has evolved from prohibiting sex discrimination in sports to perpetuating it among LGBTQ+ athletes.
Advancing LGBTQ+ Rights through Attorney Regulation
Diversity training and professional conduct rules can improve LGBTQ experiences with government and the law.
Clash Between Students’ Preferred Names and Instructors’ Religious Beliefs
Courts face religious freedom challenges from instructors over transgender students’ preferred names.
Older LGBTQ+ Adults Deserve Comprehensive Policy Interventions
Federal and state reforms are needed to protect elderly LGBTQ+ individuals.