
COVID-19, Domestic Violence, and Guns

COVID-19, Domestic Violence, and Guns

Trapped at home with their abusers, victims must rely on programs whose long-term funding remains in doubt.

Can Regulating Surrogacy Prevent Statelessness?

Can Regulating Surrogacy Prevent Statelessness?

Scholar proposes regulatory solution to ensure that children born from surrogate mothers have clearly established citizenship.

Whose Children are These?

Whose Children are These?

A federal lawsuit could affect where American Indian children grow up.

The Supreme Court’s 2018–2019 Regulatory Term

The Supreme Court’s 2018–2019 Regulatory Term

Commentators highlight the ramifications of the Court’s most significant regulatory cases.

“Remain in Mexico” Policy Remains in Effect for Now

“Remain in Mexico” Policy Remains in Effect for Now

Recent Trump Administration immigration policy survives round one in the courts.

Conflicting Interpretations of Worker Classification

Conflicting Interpretations of Worker Classification

Workers in some states may now be classified as both independent contractors and employees.

Regulating Work in an Age of Fissuring and Automation

Regulating Work in an Age of Fissuring and Automation

Employers may increasingly automate their workplaces, requiring a new approach to workplace regulation.

The Future Looks Bright for the Right-to-Work Movement

The Future Looks Bright for the Right-to-Work Movement

The right-to-work principle protects employee freedom not to subsidize unwanted unions.

Labor Without Employment

Labor Without Employment

Firms have moral obligations to those who perform work regardless of employment status.

The Joint-Employment Standard in Limbo

The Joint-Employment Standard in Limbo

A proposed rule by the NLRB and a potential Supreme Court decision challenge the joint-employer test.

Transportation Workers Can Avoid Arbitration

Transportation Workers Can Avoid Arbitration

The Supreme Court holds that, under federal law, truckers cannot be compelled to arbitrate.

Sex Workers Fight for Safe Conditions After Being Taken Offline

Sex Workers Fight for Safe Conditions After Being Taken Offline

A new law targets online sex trafficking, but critics worry about the consequences for sex workers’ safety.