
Defining “Assault Weapons”

Defining “Assault Weapons”

Attempts to regulate “assault weapons” will be futile as long as the term lacks a clear definition.

The Economic Approach to Evaluating Gun Control Policies

The Economic Approach to Evaluating Gun Control Policies

An economic approach more fully captures the cost of gun violence than a public health approach.

A Call to Arms Research

A Call to Arms Research

Lack of quality data hinders policymakers’ ability to create effective gun regulation.

Gun Regulation Is Costly—and Not the Only Option

Gun Regulation Is Costly—and Not the Only Option

Policymakers should deploy strategies beyond regulation to reduce gun-related harm.

What Firearms Law and Regulatory Scholarship Can Learn from Each Other

What Firearms Law and Regulatory Scholarship Can Learn from Each Other

Firearms law and regulatory scholars must come together to tackle the gun control problem.

Limitations of Federal Gun Regulation

Limitations of Federal Gun Regulation

Existing and proposed federal regulations on gun dealers are inadequate.

Effective Gun Regulation Can Be Compatible with Gun Rights

Effective Gun Regulation Can Be Compatible with Gun Rights

Lobbying and appropriations limits undermine the enforcement of gun regulations.

Guns Do Kill People

Guns Do Kill People

Recent research confirms that guns’ lethality increases with their caliber.

Bringing Expertise to the Gun Debate

Bringing Expertise to the Gun Debate

Experts address the promise and potential limitations of gun control measures.

It’s Time to Modernize Election Laws

It’s Time to Modernize Election Laws

Scholar argues that federal campaign laws need to be updated to reflect both legal and social changes.

Sanctuary Outside of Big Cities

Sanctuary Outside of Big Cities

Smaller local jurisdictions are adopting pro-immigration policies at an unprecedented rate.

Rethinking Privacy on the Job

Rethinking Privacy on the Job

As surveillance of work activity increases, scholars argue for protecting privacy of employees.