
The Dangers of Stop-and-Frisk Policies

The Dangers of Stop-and-Frisk Policies

New York legislation that limited the reach of stop-and-frisk provides insight for lawmakers today.

Closing the Courthouse Door to Victims of Police Abuse

Closing the Courthouse Door to Victims of Police Abuse

A number of Supreme Court doctrines make it difficult for citizens to sue police officers and their government employers.

How Transportation Safety Review Can Play a Role in Regulating Law Enforcement

How Transportation Safety Review Can Play a Role in Regulating Law Enforcement

An agency modeled after the federal transportation safety board could promote safety for the public and police.

Reviewing Police Use of Force Through Root Cause Analysis

Reviewing Police Use of Force Through Root Cause Analysis

More agencies are embracing a new kind of review focused on preventing future errors, rather than placing blame.

Regulating the Reasonableness of Police Violence

Regulating the Reasonableness of Police Violence

The legal standard governing police force provides inadequate guidance to police officers and the courts.

The Future of Police Reform Under the Trump Administration

The Future of Police Reform Under the Trump Administration

Insights gleaned from past federal enforcement efforts can inform future locally driven improvements.

Regulating Police Use of Force

Regulating Police Use of Force

Scholars, activists, and other criminal justice experts address possible legal responses to excessive police force.

Securing Safe Housing for Domestic Violence Survivors

Securing Safe Housing for Domestic Violence Survivors

A new rule prohibits evicting survivors of domestic violence for reporting their abuse.

Supreme Court Takes Up Transgender Restroom Policy

Supreme Court Takes Up Transgender Restroom Policy

Case presents opportunity for Court to consider deference to agencies’ interpretations of regulations.

Department of Labor Establishes Mandatory Paid Sick Leave

Department of Labor Establishes Mandatory Paid Sick Leave

Agency finalizes rule requiring paid sick leave for federal contractors.

The Race Question

The Race Question

OMB proposal to revise its racial and ethnic categories may better reflect America’s changing demographics.

President Obama Signs First Ever Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights

President Obama Signs First Ever Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights

The bill begins to close gaps in state-by-state regulatory treatment of sexual assault survivors.