Recommendations for Improving Informal Rulemaking

Recommendations for Improving Informal Rulemaking

ACUS recommends ways to implement an administrative record in informal rulemaking.

Can Agencies Legally Use Social Media for Rulemaking?

Can Agencies Legally Use Social Media for Rulemaking?

ACUS draft report analyzes legal obstacles for using social media in rulemaking.

Regulating by Reference

Regulating by Reference

The Regulatory Review features an examination of “incorporation by reference” by legal experts on regulation and administrative law.

Collaboration is the Key to Making the Law Free

Collaboration is the Key to Making the Law Free

Incorporation by reference should be structured to ensure both access and efficiency.

We Need Full Public Access to the Law

We Need Full Public Access to the Law

Federal agencies must guarantee that all regulatory provisions are fully, publicly available.

Report Recommends Ways to Improve Regulatory Science

Report Recommends Ways to Improve Regulatory Science

Study for ACUS examines steps agencies should take when using scientific analysis.

GAO Calls on Agencies to Respond to All Comments

GAO Calls on Agencies to Respond to All Comments

Report advocates for a better use of public input.

Improving How Agencies Collect Information

Improving How Agencies Collect Information

My recent ACUS report presents three conclusions to frame proposed improvements.

Can the White House Trim U.S. Paperwork?

Can the White House Trim U.S. Paperwork?

OIRA memo is admirable but bolder action by Congress may be needed.

Obama Seeks to Promote “International Regulatory Cooperation”

Obama Seeks to Promote “International Regulatory Cooperation”

President issues executive order as way to enhance U.S. economic growth.

A Confluence of Concerns with the Accumulation of Regulatory Regimens

A Confluence of Concerns with the Accumulation of Regulatory Regimens

Requiring agencies to consider the cumulative costs of their regulation has its own cumulative costs.

Obama’s Reforms Give States a Shot at Coming Out Winners

Obama’s Reforms Give States a Shot at Coming Out Winners

Health care reform demonstrates President Obama’s evolving understand of federalism.