Administrative Law

“Deference” is Too Confusing – Let’s Call Them “Chevron Space” and “Skidmore Weight”

“Deference” is Too Confusing – Let’s Call Them “Chevron Space” and “Skidmore Weight”

Distinct concepts clarify judicial review of U.S. agency decision making.

Bipartisan Bill Would Add Procedural Hurdles to Agency Rulemaking

Bipartisan Bill Would Add Procedural Hurdles to Agency Rulemaking

Bill places special emphasis on rules with a high impact on the economy.

PPR Hosts Conference on U.S. Regulation Crisis

PPR Hosts Conference on U.S. Regulation Crisis

Leading scholars analyze whether regulation has suffered a breakdown.

The Ozone Standard as Presidential Policy: Some Concerns

The Ozone Standard as Presidential Policy: Some Concerns

Obama’s short-term decision dangerously contradicts long-term legislative policy.

Obama’s Ozone Decision Shows Clearly Who’s in Charge

Obama’s Ozone Decision Shows Clearly Who’s in Charge

Letter from OIRA Administrator Sunstein emphasizes President’s role.

ACUS Committee Discusses Online Access to Rulemaking

ACUS Committee Discusses Online Access to Rulemaking

Committee investigates how to improve public access via the Internet.

Debt Ceiling Legislation Also Speaks to Administrative Law

Debt Ceiling Legislation Also Speaks to Administrative Law

Rules governing student loans are exempt from a negotiated rulemaking mandate.

Expand Centralized Regulatory Review to Independent Agencies

Expand Centralized Regulatory Review to Independent Agencies

Congress should require independent regulatory commissions to perform cost-benefit analyses

The REINS Act: A Constitutional Means to Control Delegation

The REINS Act: A Constitutional Means to Control Delegation

The proposed legislation would give Congress authority over a limited set of major regulations.

Agencies Should Provide Enhanced Procedural Protections in Aggregate Settlements

Agencies Should Provide Enhanced Procedural Protections in Aggregate Settlements

Agencies fail to provide necessary fairness when they compensate large groups of people.

Why Congress Should Not Codify Cost-Benefit Analysis Requirements

Why Congress Should Not Codify Cost-Benefit Analysis Requirements

Codifying cost-benefit analysis requirements of Executive Order would preempt valuable nuances of current review system.

The Myths of Benefit-Cost Analysis

The Myths of Benefit-Cost Analysis

Congress should resist the popular misconceptions of the critics of benefit-cost analysis.