Administrative Procedure

A Debate Over President Trump’s “One-In-Two-Out” Executive Order

A Debate Over President Trump’s “One-In-Two-Out” Executive Order

Policy experts consider the constitutionality of a cornerstone of the President’s regulatory reform efforts.

A Wolf in Sheep’s Skin

A Wolf in Sheep’s Skin

The Early Participation in Regulations Act will further complicate the rulemaking process.

Giving the Platypus of Formal Rulemaking a Second Look, Again

Giving the Platypus of Formal Rulemaking a Second Look, Again

Legal scholar reexamines the formal rulemaking process in response to criticism.

Assessing the Regulatory Accountability Act

Assessing the Regulatory Accountability Act

Scholars debate the merits and drawbacks of the recently proposed Regulatory Accountability Act, which would dramatically reform the rulemaking process.

The Trump Administration’s Regulatory Reform Options

The Trump Administration’s Regulatory Reform Options

The new Administration and Congress can use several procedures to cut down on regulation.

Improving Regulatory Analysis at Independent Agencies

Improving Regulatory Analysis at Independent Agencies

Independent agencies should adopt four key analytical standards.

Improving the Process of Making Rules at Independent Agencies

Improving the Process of Making Rules at Independent Agencies

Following certain procedural steps will strengthen independent agencies’ rulemaking processes.

Inside Agency Class Actions

Inside Agency Class Actions

Most agencies enjoy authority to aggregate cases and would benefit from doing so, but very few actually do.

An Education in Regulatory Reform

An Education in Regulatory Reform

Penn Law students met with experts in Washington to discuss proposals for reforming the regulatory process.

Cost-Benefit Analysis and Social Welfare Functions

Cost-Benefit Analysis and Social Welfare Functions

Cost-benefit analysis has become a routinized part of policymaking. Probing what justifies this methodology helps us to see how it might be improved.

Should Administrative Agencies Adopt Class Action Procedures?

Should Administrative Agencies Adopt Class Action Procedures?

Responding to significant agency backlogs, a new report recommends class action-type procedures.

Big-City Rules, Without Any Rules

Big-City Rules, Without Any Rules

A reformer takes on a major city bureaucracy that has grown accustomed to informal lawmaking procedures.