When the Health Care Market Cannot Regulate Itself
Vermont moves to an all-payer system in regulating prices for health care services.
Second Presidential Debate Sees Personal Attacks Interrupted by Occasional Policy
Important policy revelations emerged during Sunday night’s heated debate.
Hillary Clinton Rallies West Philadelphians to Register and Vote
The Democratic candidate for President shares her platform and voter mobilization goals.
Still Seeking Contraceptive Compromise After Zubik v. Burwell
Zubik v. Burwell highlights thorny issues surrounding Obamacare’s contraceptive coverage requirement.
Implementing Health Care Reform During a Political Stalemate
Nicholas Bagley analyzes expanding executive power in the name of health care reform.
Supreme Court Ruling Preserves Health Insurance Subsidies
Supreme Court held that Affordable Care Act’s tax credits can apply to Americans in every state.
How Health Care Providers View Meaningful Use
Researchers assess providers’ views on government incentives for electronic health records.
Obamacare Menu Labeling Laws May Pose Challenges for Small Chains
The FDA drafts guidance to help small restaurant and food retail chains comply with new menu labeling rules.
Obamacare Could Improve Prisoner Healthcare and Save States Money
Medicaid expansion creates incentives for states to provide inmates with health care services.
Politics, Law, and Presidential Power
Disputes about the limits of executive power cannot be productively resolved by appeals to the Constitution.
How Well is Obamacare Working?
Panel of Penn experts share latest research on the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.