Affordable Care Act

States Face Critical Health Reform Deadline

States Face Critical Health Reform Deadline

States must decide whether they will create their own insurance exchanges.

Regulation on Election Day

Regulation on Election Day

Regulation remains a divisive–and perhaps a decisive–issue in today’s election.

States Waiting to Decide on Medicaid Expansion

States Waiting to Decide on Medicaid Expansion

Majority of states appear to be waiting until after next week’s election.

VP Candidates Clash Over Medicare Proposals

VP Candidates Clash Over Medicare Proposals

Candidates dispute impact of Obamacare and Romney-Ryan plan.

Justice Roberts’s Opinion on Health Care Reform

Justice Roberts’s Opinion on Health Care Reform

We excerpt key portions of Chief Justice Roberts’s opinion.

From Rhetoric to Action

From Rhetoric to Action

Presidential nominee Mitt Romney would need congressional support for his regulatory reform proposals.

Romney’s Regulatory Agenda – Right Turn?

Romney’s Regulatory Agenda – Right Turn?

Romney’s proposals could be productive changes to regulatory review policy.

Obamacare and Federalism’s Tug of War Within

Obamacare and Federalism’s Tug of War Within

A theory of “balanced federalism” may advance the federalism debate over health care reform.

An Alternative to the Individual Mandate

An Alternative to the Individual Mandate

Nobel Laureate suggests alternative ways to control adverse selection in health insurance markets.

The Justices and the Individual Mandate

The Justices and the Individual Mandate

Justice Kennedy again appears to be the decisive swing voter.

House of Representatives Votes to Eliminate Medicare Cost-Saving Body

House of Representatives Votes to Eliminate Medicare Cost-Saving Body

Republican majority favors killing the much maligned “death panel.”

Administration Articulates Only Fine Distinctions in Defending Health Care Reform

Administration Articulates Only Fine Distinctions in Defending Health Care Reform

Solicitor General limits his Supreme Court arguments to the specifics of health insurance.