Noncompete Agreements and Antitrust’s Rule of Reason
The Federal Trade Commission should develop a nuanced approach to employee noncompete agreements.
Antitrust and Law Schools’ Exit from U.S. News Rankings
As Yale, Harvard, and other law schools withdraw from U.S. News rankings, they can argue it is good for competition.
Antitrust Can Be Antiracist
Scholars argue that antitrust law can complement antidiscrimination law in the fight against systemic racism.
Important Changes at the Intersection of Antitrust and Administrative Law
Supreme Court changes in administrative law create uncertainty for new antitrust guidance from federal regulators.
Unlocking the Potential Between Blockchain and Antitrust
The tech and legal communities should recognize the complementary nature of antitrust law and blockchain.
Taming Giants in the Health Care Industry
Scholars explore potential antitrust responses to growing consolidation among health care providers.
Compromise Between Radicals and Incrementalists in Antitrust Reform
Harmonizing two approaches to antitrust law reform may protect consumer and market welfare most effectively.
Recentering Worker Welfare in the Breakup Debates
Scholar shows how current antitrust remedies fail to consider effects on workers.
A New Approach to FTC Antitrust Regulation
Scholar proposes a no-collusion rule to limit tacit collusion.
Antitrust Enforcement of Startup Acquisitions
Scholars urge antitrust enforcement against technology firms that acquire startups.
The Supreme Court’s 2020-2021 Regulatory Term
Scholars discuss some of the Court’s most significant regulatory decisions.
Addressing Big Tech’s Power Over Speech
Antitrust has a role in addressing the considerable power social media companies possess over speech.