How America Turns Competitors Into Colleagues
The collaboration between pharmaceutical giants puts antitrust law at risk.
A Modern Antitrust Law for Tech Tycoons
Proposed legislation could update antitrust legal standards and the U.S. government’s enforcement capacity.
Google’s Break
In one of the biggest antitrust cases in a generation, the Justice Department opted for a narrow claim.
Antitrust Remedies for Big Tech
Courts should impose antitrust remedies consistent with underlying principles of market competition.
Antitrust and Regulation Over Time
As the scope of regulation in an industry narrows, the scope of potential antitrust liability becomes broader.
Celebrating The Regulatory Review’s Tenth Anniversary
To commemorate The Regulatory Review’s 10th anniversary, leading scholars and practitioners reflect on regulation’s past, present, and future.
Mergers That Monopolize Labor Should Not Pass Go
Scholars argue that courts could interpret the Clayton Act to prevent mergers that result in lowering wages.
Breaking Up Big Ag Requires Reasonable Antitrust Enforcement
The FTC and Justice Department must change their interpretation of antitrust laws to protect fair competition in agriculture.
Antitrust and the Future of Big Tech
Technology giants face growing scrutiny from Congress and regulators over their dominance.
Are Regulatory Agreements to Address Climate Change Anticompetitive?
A federal antitrust investigation of automakers cooperating with California probably has no basis in law.
Fixing Antitrust’s Indirect Purchaser Rule
A recent Supreme Court case allows end users to sue for antitrust violations.
FTC v. Qualcomm, Antitrust, and Intellectual Property
A significant federal court decision expands on the relationship between antitrust and intellectual property law.