Artificial Intelligence for Retrospective Regulatory Review
Artificial intelligence can help agencies review and improve their existing regulations.
AI, Due Process, and Trade Secrets
A recent court decision about pencils may turn out to help protect rights in an era of artificial intelligence.
Equitable Artificial Intelligence
Experts recommend a two-pronged approach to help ensure artificial intelligence systems achieve equity.
A New Balance Between Health Care Privacy and Artificial Intelligence
A scholar highlights problematic ways that artificial intelligence and health privacy interact.
Is the Artificial Intelligence Act Trustworthy?
Scholars argue that the European Union’s proposed legislation will be inadequate to develop trust in AI.
Should Regulators Have a Chat With ChatGPT?
Scholars evaluate proposed frameworks for regulating ChatGPT and other generative AI.
Creating a Safe Testing Space for High-Risk AI
Scholars argue for the creation of a regulatory safe space to supplement AI regulations.
Hey Siri, Are You Regulated?
In this week’s Saturday Seminar, experts propose ways to regulate voice-activated technology and protect consumer privacy.
AI Art Is in Legal Greyscale
The legal ambiguity of art created by artificial intelligence adds confusion to controversy.
Moving Toward an Era of RegTech
International report surveys regulatory use of technology and barriers to their adoption in Australia and New Zealand.
The Challenges of Regulating Brain-Machine Interfaces
Scholar highlights the fragmented regulatory environment governing advanced neurological technology.
The AI Health Care Dilemma
Scholars explore regulatory approaches to artificial intelligence in the health care sector.