
Modernizing SNAP After the Pandemic

Modernizing SNAP After the Pandemic

The pandemic highlighted the importance of food security and what policymakers should do to strengthen it.

Diving Into the Benefits of the Clean Water Act

Diving Into the Benefits of the Clean Water Act

Scholars explore whether the benefits of the Clean Water Act justify its costs.

Enduring Principles of Sound Regulatory Analysis

Enduring Principles of Sound Regulatory Analysis

The economic foundations of Executive Order 12,866 underscore its continued importance in regulatory review.

Regulation and the Local Food Movement

Regulation and the Local Food Movement

New study suggests that cities can encourage local food production and consumption through smarter regulations.

Achieving Procedural Fairness in Black Lung Benefits Hearings

Achieving Procedural Fairness in Black Lung Benefits Hearings

Black lung disease is increasing, but fewer miners can successfully claim benefits.