Could the Common Law Help Combat Climate Change?
Scholars argue that as EPA deregulates, nuisance suits could replace traditional environmental regulation.
Diving Into the Benefits of the Clean Water Act
Scholars explore whether the benefits of the Clean Water Act justify its costs.
Clean Air Act Obscures Polluted “Hotspots”
Scholar argues that federal air laws conceal highly polluted areas.
Getting Agencies Back Into the Game
Regulatory reform should reduce rulemaking burdens to promote effective agency action.
Restoring Science and Economics to EPA’s Benefit Calculation
EPA’s proposed transparency rules would make the agency’s analyses more scientifically rigorous.
Regulatory Process in Dire Need of Reform
EPA exemplifies how agency rulemaking pushes the boundaries of lawful policymaking.
Credible and Stable Regulation Encourages Voluntary Climate Action
President Obama’s Clean Power Plan prompted companies to expand transparency about their carbon emissions.
Overruling Chevron Could Make Congress Great Again
Limiting judicial deference to agencies would strengthen environmental policy and democratic accountability.
Get Moving With Climate Action
Former EPA Administrator urges the public to take action against climate change.
The Ambiguity in Judge Kavanaugh’s Chevron Critique
Judge Kavanaugh’s views on Chevron may create more uncertainty than exists under the current doctrine.
Tainted Review
Environmentalists should question any move by this Administration’s EPA to reform its cost-benefit analysis.
Consistency and Transparency in Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis
Experts debate EPA’s recent move to consider regulating its own cost-benefit analyses.