What Will Come from the Supreme Court’s Stay of EPA’s Clean Power Plan?
Scholar argues the impact of halting the regulation’s implementation may be small.
Finding Common Ground on the Impacts of Air Pollution Regulation
New study suggests some of the debate over environmental regulation stems from data differences.
Parties Still Battling Over Proposed Carbon Rule After Case is Argued
In letter to court, states claim that a tweet proves the EPA has made up its mind.
EPA’s Ozone Standard Is Insufficiently Stringent, Not Overly Expensive
A lower ozone standard means more benefits for Americans.
The Case Against Using Global Benefits to Set U.S. Climate Policy
Two prominent economists introduce new questions into the debate over the social cost of carbon.
General Permits and the Regulation of Greenhouse Gases
Recent Supreme Court decision misses a climate change solution that could satisfy all parties.
The Role of Permits in the Regulatory State
General permits play an increasingly important role in implementing regulation.
Supreme Court Decision Strikes Compromise in Greenhouse Gas Case
EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions is left largely intact, but agency faces rebuke.
Prospects for an Interstate Cap and Trade for Greenhouse Gases
The last years of the Obama administration will determine if the EPA succeeds in implementing a cap-and-trade regime.
Supreme Court Confronts Interstate Air Pollution Regulation
The Court hears oral arguments on legal challenge to EPA rule requiring states to keep pollution from affecting their neighbors.
Debate over OIRA’s Virtues and Vices Continues
Cass Sunstein and Lisa Heinzerling debate what really happens in OIRA.
OMB Releases Draft of Annual Report on Regulation’s Impacts
Major rules, especially EPA’s, potentially create enormous net benefits.