Clean Air Act

Prospects for Regulatory Reform

Prospects for Regulatory Reform

Congress should use a rare political moment to improve the U.S. regulatory process.

EPA Releases Plan to Review Environmental Regulations

EPA Releases Plan to Review Environmental Regulations

Following Executive Order 13563, EPA plans to review and revise some of its rules.

A Silver Lining in the Supreme Court’s Latest Climate Change Decision

A Silver Lining in the Supreme Court’s Latest Climate Change Decision

In the process of handing environmentalists a loss in AEP v. Connecticut, the Court strengthens the EPA’s authority over greenhouse gas emissions.

Why Congress Should Not Codify Cost-Benefit Analysis Requirements

Why Congress Should Not Codify Cost-Benefit Analysis Requirements

Codifying cost-benefit analysis requirements of Executive Order would preempt valuable nuances of current review system.

Texas and EPA Battle Over Greenhouse Gas Regulations

Texas and EPA Battle Over Greenhouse Gas Regulations

Texas v. EPA continues in the D.C. Circuit Court.

EPA Proposes Air Toxics Standards for Power Plants

EPA Proposes Air Toxics Standards for Power Plants

At court-ordered deadline, EPA proposes standards for mercury and other air toxics.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Regulatory news in review

Week in Review

Week in Review

Regulatory news in review

Week in Review

Week in Review

Regulatory news in review

Week in Review

Week in Review

Regulatory news in review

Week in Review

Week in Review

Regulatory news in review

State of the Union and Responses Highlight Key Differences Over Regulation

State of the Union and Responses Highlight Key Differences Over Regulation

President Obama and Republican leaders debate health care, environmental regulation, and other regulatory issues.