Clean Energy

How the Current Siting Regime Stifles Renewable Energy

How the Current Siting Regime Stifles Renewable Energy

Scholar argues for changes to siting regulations to speed up renewable energy deployment.

An Electric Solution for Low-Income Residents

An Electric Solution for Low-Income Residents

Federal programs should better protect low-income residents from rising energy costs.

The Australian Model for Rooftop Solar Energy

The Australian Model for Rooftop Solar Energy

Australian regulators demonstrate the benefits and drawbacks of locally driven policy.

Navigating Stormy Waters for Offshore Wind Development

Navigating Stormy Waters for Offshore Wind Development

Offshore wind developers face regulatory approval challenges.

Yes, Curbing U.S. Fossil Fuel Extraction Does Reduce Climate Pollution

Yes, Curbing U.S. Fossil Fuel Extraction Does Reduce Climate Pollution

Regulators should use a new model that captures the full impact of fossil fuel extraction to inform climate reforms.

The Need to Change Jurisdiction Over the U.S. Electric Grid

The Need to Change Jurisdiction Over the U.S. Electric Grid

When state and local voters prohibit clean energy transmission lines, they halt progress on climate change mitigation.

The Untapped Power of Tribal Clean Energy

The Untapped Power of Tribal Clean Energy

Scholar asserts that federal law and incentive structures should facilitate renewable energy development on tribal lands.