Clean Water Act

The Human Right to Water

The Human Right to Water

Scholars propose legal frameworks to enshrine water as a human right.

Rethinking Administrative Law for the Environment

Rethinking Administrative Law for the Environment

Scholar argues that a recalibration of administrative law is necessary to respect congressional intent in environmental statutes.

Plugging Holes in the Clean Water Act

Plugging Holes in the Clean Water Act

Scholar sees design flaws in federal water pollution law as fueling rival legal theories.

Regulating Plastic Pollution Through The Clean Water Act

Regulating Plastic Pollution Through The Clean Water Act

Scholar argues that federal regulatory interventions are needed to reduce plastic wastes.

Scarcity Issues in Water Rights

Scarcity Issues in Water Rights

Scholars explore the regulatory issues surrounding water rights nationally and internationally.

The Supreme Court’s Wetland Saga Continues

The Supreme Court’s Wetland Saga Continues

Rejecting federal agencies’ interpretation of the Clean Water Act, the Supreme Court limits the application of federal law over wetlands.

The Supreme Court’s 2022-2023 Regulatory Term

The Supreme Court’s 2022-2023 Regulatory Term

Legal scholars discuss the Court’s most significant regulatory decisions of the last term.

Swimming Upstream Amid Climate Change

Swimming Upstream Amid Climate Change

Scholar discusses possible legal avenues to support salmon conservation during climate change.

Administrative Law Essay Competition Winners

Administrative Law Essay Competition Winners

Two essays by the student winners of a Penn Law essay competition describe important regulatory issues.

The Truth About Toxic Prisons

The Truth About Toxic Prisons

Scholar argues that many U.S. prisons are built on hazardous waste sites and lack oversight.

Regulating Tribal Waters Without Attacking Tribal Sovereignty

Regulating Tribal Waters Without Attacking Tribal Sovereignty

Scholar argues that the Clean Water Act can protect water resources and tribal jurisdiction.

The Shape of Water After County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund

The Shape of Water After County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund

Despite guidance from the Supreme Court, the future of water regulation remains uncertain.