Rethinking Chemical and Pesticide Regulation
Study advocates for cumulative risk assessment mandates in environmental laws.
Will the Trump Administration Drastically Deregulate Environmental Protection?
Initial signs suggest that drastic environmental deregulation looms, but there may be much less than the Administration envisions.
Finality and the Virtues of Jurisdictional Declarations
The Supreme Court sheds light on the finality of Army Corps of Engineers’ jurisdictional determinations.
The Tragic Flaw of the Clean Air Act
Scholars examine the history and consequences of the Clear Air Act’s exemption of existing industrial facilities.
The Regulatory Review Reading List on Waters of the U.S. Rule
RegBlog’s go to resources for understanding the newly released Clean Water Rule.
(Mis)management of Lake Okeechobee Discharges
To save a natural treasure, Florida should institute stricter TMDLs to reduce fertilizer runoff.
Defining the Clean Water Act’s Reach
Opponents charge that the EPA “wants to regulate every single puddle.”
EPA Awards Nearly $5 Million in Grants to Study Green Infrastructure
Projects will support urban stormwater management, with a focus on Philadelphia.
Should Chemical Regulation Be Stronger?
West Virginia chemical spill raises question of whether better regulation is needed.
Supreme Court Allows Legal Challenge to EPA Authority to Proceed
Unanimous court authorizes direct judicial review of EPA water pollution orders.