Climate Change Mitigation

Climate Engineering Could Reframe the Dialogue on Climate Change

Climate Engineering Could Reframe the Dialogue on Climate Change

New study explores the potential benefits, risks, and legal challenges of solar climate engineering.

Solar Panels on a Border Wall

Solar Panels on a Border Wall

Economic, environmental, and policy considerations underlie the President’s “solar wall” proposal.

China Addresses Climate Change in its Latest Five-Year Plan

China Addresses Climate Change in its Latest Five-Year Plan

In the 13th Five-Year Plan, China aims to fulfill its commitment in the Paris Agreement.

We Need to Get Back to Work

We Need to Get Back to Work

Reviving our regulatory system should be a top priority for the next President.

Climate Change is Getting Worse

Climate Change is Getting Worse

U.N. Panel’s final report comes at a delicate inflection point for policy makers.