Are Biofuels Doing More Harm Than Good?
Scholar argues that greater regulation of biofuels is needed to promote environmental justice.
The Need for Global Protections Against Existential Risks
International collaborative mechanisms are needed to prepare for threats to human existence.
How to End the Rent-Seeking in Climate Policy
Society should pursue bottom-up, market-based approaches to address climate change.
Natural Gas is Key to Addressing Climate Change
Natural gas continues to play a vital role in reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate Change Necessitates Normative Change
Global warming poses unique threats that require paradigmatic shifts to solve.
Standing Up to Climate Change
The judicial system may need to adapt to allow climate change cases to be heard in court.
Bringing Home the Bacon on Climate Change
The lack of regulation on animals’ greenhouse gas emissions opens the door for climate change litigation.
Where’s the Plant-Based Beef?
Scholar argues for promotion of environmentally conscious plant-based diets through regulation.
Is Private Governance a Viable Alternative to Climate Regulation?
Scholar argues that private governance initiatives offer considerable potential to combat climate change.
Combatting Climate Change with Human Behavior
Scholars explain the benefits of setting “green” products as consumers’ default option.
Poetry Inspires Hope and Climate Action
Poetry can help combat despair and act as a force for optimism and change.
Achieving Climate Goals Will Require Sound Energy Storage Policies
Clean energy systems will not reduce emissions unless states promote effective energy storage policies.