Environmental Protection Requires More than Social Resilience
Achieving the green economy requires taking into account divisive politics and distributive justice.
A Green Economy Must Achieve Climate Justice
Environmental policymaking should focus on serving the underprivileged.
Social Justice in a Green Economy
Scholars debate the economic implications of climate change regulations for American communities.
Credible and Stable Regulation Encourages Voluntary Climate Action
President Obama’s Clean Power Plan prompted companies to expand transparency about their carbon emissions.
Pipeline Opposition Impedes Climate Change Mitigation
More pipelines and electricity transmission lines would bolster the fight against climate change.
Get Moving With Climate Action
Former EPA Administrator urges the public to take action against climate change.
After a Federal Climate Policy Retreat, States Should Proceed With Caution
State and local governments must consider the potential legal risks of their climate change policies.
Seizing the Moment with Strategic Climate Strategies for Subnationals
Subnational governments can best succeed when their policies go beyond their own borders.
State and Local Regulation of Climate Change
Subnational regulators face a number of significant challenges as they seek to regulate climate change.
Information-Based Regulation and the Search for Amazon’s Second Headquarters
Rankings for company’s new headquarters offer cautionary lessons about using rankings as regulatory tools.
How the Clean Power Plan’s Repeal Undermines Regulatory Analysis
The Trump Administration’s purported economic justification weakens the credibility of cost-benefit analysis.
Including Climate Change in Environmental Impact Analyses
D.C. Circuit holds federal energy regulators must consider pipeline project’s impact on climate change.