
The CRA is a Payday for Congressional Republicans

The CRA is a Payday for Congressional Republicans

The Congressional Review Act offers a divided Republican caucus the opportunity to gut regulations.

Protecting Climate Legislation Through Issue Linkage

Protecting Climate Legislation Through Issue Linkage

Research shows that linking climate issues with other legislative priorities increases congressional support.

Congressional Constituent Service Inquiries

Congressional Constituent Service Inquiries

Scholar recommends improvements to agencies’ management of congressional requests on behalf of constituents.

Modernizing Congressional Oversight of Agency Rulemaking

Modernizing Congressional Oversight of Agency Rulemaking

The Government Accountability Office discusses whether Congress should establish new offices to oversee agency rulemaking.

Overturning Chevron Will Not Transform Congress

Overturning Chevron Will Not Transform Congress

Claims about the consequences of remaking Chevron deference require empirical backing.

Congress Should Exclude Elected Insurrectionists

Congress Should Exclude Elected Insurrectionists

The legislature should use its constitutional authority under the Disqualification Clause to uphold democracy.

Cataloging and Clarifying Judicial Review Statutes

Cataloging and Clarifying Judicial Review Statutes

Congress should seek to remove procedural obstacles that inhibit statutory access to judicial review.

Updating the Congressional Review Act

Updating the Congressional Review Act

Congress should modify the Congressional Review Act to enhance clarity and improve oversight of agencies.

Priorities and the State of Implicit Bias in Crimmigration

Priorities and the State of Implicit Bias in Crimmigration

Written immigration enforcement priorities might promote transparency but still might not address inequities.

Race and Regulation

Race and Regulation

Experts examine how regulatory policies disproportionately affect communities of color.

Reimagining the Public’s Role in Agency Rulemaking

Reimagining the Public’s Role in Agency Rulemaking

Congress should tailor the notice-and-comment process for more meaningful public participation.

Congressional Restoration of Tribal Civil Jurisdiction

Congressional Restoration of Tribal Civil Jurisdiction

Congress should enact a law that restores tribal regulatory and adjudicatory authority.