
Constitutional Questions and the Administrative State

Constitutional Questions and the Administrative State

Scholars explore questions about how agencies shape and are shaped by the U.S. Constitution.

Righting a Wrong Against Teachers

Righting a Wrong Against Teachers

Thousands of teachers could see loan debt disappear as the Education Department tries to correct a past mistake.

Fixing the Shortfall in Highway Infrastructure Funding

Fixing the Shortfall in Highway Infrastructure Funding

A recent report highlights funding gaps for infrastructure and potential fixes.

Statutory Clarity and Judicial Review of Regulatory Impact Analysis

Statutory Clarity and Judicial Review of Regulatory Impact Analysis

Precise statutory language corresponds to better benefit-cost analysis and more consistent judicial review.

How the Trump Administration Might Defend Its Border Emergency

How the Trump Administration Might Defend Its Border Emergency

The validity of the newest national emergency could be supported by decades-old emergencies.

Sex Workers Fight for Safe Conditions After Being Taken Offline

Sex Workers Fight for Safe Conditions After Being Taken Offline

A new law targets online sex trafficking, but critics worry about the consequences for sex workers’ safety.

Single-Use Plastics Need Comprehensive Federal Legislation

Single-Use Plastics Need Comprehensive Federal Legislation

Despite state and local action, more effective reduction of single-use plastics must come from Congress.

Adopting Rebuttable Presumptions at the FCC

Adopting Rebuttable Presumptions at the FCC

Deregulatory rebuttable presumptions would help advance the goals of the Telecommunications Act.

Proposed Rule Aims to Make Drug Pricing More Transparent

Proposed Rule Aims to Make Drug Pricing More Transparent

A proposed requirement to display drug list prices in advertisements draws controversy.

Reducing Information Asymmetry in the American Gun Market

Reducing Information Asymmetry in the American Gun Market

Given the dangers of gun ownership, the firearms industry should be subject to warning label requirements.

Warren’s Bill Presents Progressive Vision for Rulemaking Reform

Warren’s Bill Presents Progressive Vision for Rulemaking Reform

Recent bill would boost public participation and reduce capture in the regulatory process.

Invoking a Right to Try in Regenerative Medicine

Invoking a Right to Try in Regenerative Medicine

Scholars caution against using the Right to Try Act to skirt regulation for regenerative therapies.