Passing Liability to States of Incorporation
Scholar suggests that states be held liable for corporations’ unpaid debts to protect tort victims.
Keeping an Eye on Compliance Gatekeepers
Scholars propose increased accountability for external corporate compliance advisors.
Anti-Wokeism and the Rise of Identitarian Regulation
Scholars examine a shift in conservative legal thought away from libertarian deregulation.
Transforming Corporate Sustainability Into Hard Law
Scholars and policymakers evaluate the impact of the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.
SBTi, Climate Pledges, and Share Prices
Corporate emissions pledges do not affect stock price, but policymakers could offer non-economic incentives.
Addressing Corporate Governance Failures in Fintech
Lawyer explores corporate governance issues in financial technology firms and proposes reforms.
The Case for Plural Business Purposes
Businesses should embrace corporate purposes beyond profit maximization.
Advocacy, Inc.
Scholar warns that corporate social activism might erode democratic institutions, despite possible benefits.
Erroneous Legal Advice as a Corporate Asset
Scholars discuss the promises and pitfalls of corporate lawyers’ gatekeeping function.
The Growth in Business Support for Regulation
Businesses in the United States are increasingly supporting regulation and regulators against judicial decisions curtailing agency authority.
Assuaging Fears About Boardroom Gender Mandates
Scholars argue that gender-balancing policies will not reduce corporate value.
Regulating LGBTQ+ Inclusive Boardrooms
Legislators and regulators respond to absence of LGBTQ+ individuals in boardroom diversity efforts and recruitment.