Corporate Governance

Reining in Repeat Offenders

Reining in Repeat Offenders

In the 2022 Distinguished Regulation Lecture at Penn Law, CFPB Director urges regulators to take action against corporate recidivists.

Is ESG Simply the Old CSR Wine in a New Bottle?

Is ESG Simply the Old CSR Wine in a New Bottle?

ESG initiatives will provide little social value if firms do not improve conditions that led CSR to fail.

Understanding the Business of Corporate Board Diversity

Understanding the Business of Corporate Board Diversity

Experts discuss the benefits of diversifying corporate boards of directors.

Regulating Sustainability in Corporate Governance Standards

Regulating Sustainability in Corporate Governance Standards

Experts discuss the future of sustainability in financial regulation.

Bringing Diversity to Californian Boardrooms

Bringing Diversity to Californian Boardrooms

Two recent state laws seek to place more members of underrepresented groups on public company boards.

Milton Friedman Versus Jeff Bezos on Climate Leadership

Milton Friedman Versus Jeff Bezos on Climate Leadership

Firms that address climate change mitigate political risk and protect their reputation, while maximizing profit.

The Evolution of Delaware’s Corporate Oversight Doctrine

The Evolution of Delaware’s Corporate Oversight Doctrine

Recent court decisions have set the stage for greater board accountability for corporate regulatory noncompliance.

Celebrating The Regulatory Review’s Tenth Anniversary

Celebrating The Regulatory Review’s Tenth Anniversary

To commemorate The Regulatory Review’s 10th anniversary, leading scholars and practitioners reflect on regulation’s past, present, and future.