Regulating Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Public Health Versus Privacy

Public Health Versus Privacy

Efforts to trace the novel coronavirus in the U.S. ignite a debate over digital privacy concerns.

Federal Focus Shifts to COVID-19 Treatments

Federal Focus Shifts to COVID-19 Treatments

FDA releases guidance on using blood from recovered COVID-19 patients to treat new cases.

COVID-19 and Cooperative Administrative Federalism in Germany

COVID-19 and Cooperative Administrative Federalism in Germany

Germany’s response to COVID-19 consists of federal delegation, state regulation, and multi-level cooperation.

Learning in the Age of Social Distancing

Learning in the Age of Social Distancing

An Education Department proposal paves the way for a new normal in online instruction.

Continuous Judicial Review in Coronavirus Times

Continuous Judicial Review in Coronavirus Times

The Israeli judiciary exerts oversight and influence over the executive’s COVID-19 response.

The Match Between COVID-19 and Plastic Bans

The Match Between COVID-19 and Plastic Bans

The COVID-19 pandemic tests the strength of U.S. bans on single-use plastic products.

Rescuing the European Economy from COVID-19

Rescuing the European Economy from COVID-19

Political and constitutional constraints hinder the EU’s response to the economic crisis.

Regulating in Times of Tragic Choices

Regulating in Times of Tragic Choices

As Italy begins its second phase of COVID-19 regulation, trust in government regulatory action is essential.

Calls for Regulatory Approval of Edible Insects

Calls for Regulatory Approval of Edible Insects

Edible insects may become essential in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, but FDA regulation is lacking.

Rethinking Judicial Oversight in a Time of Crisis

Rethinking Judicial Oversight in a Time of Crisis

Administrative accountability demands resilient courts, especially in emergencies.

Your COVID-19 Immunity Papers, Please

Your COVID-19 Immunity Papers, Please

Coronavirus immunity certificates could permit recovered persons to escape lockdown restrictions.

India’s Executive Response to COVID-19

India’s Executive Response to COVID-19

Executive action, and judicial deference to it, dominate India’s pandemic response.