
Regulatory Reforms and Counter-Reformations

Regulatory Reforms and Counter-Reformations

Some of President Trump’s deregulatory actions are innovations, others build on his predecessors’ work.

A Brief History of Regulation and Deregulation

A Brief History of Regulation and Deregulation

The history of regulatory policy in the United States is rich, but its future remains unclear.

Deregulation Then and Now

Deregulation Then and Now

Leading scholars compare deregulation under the Reagan and Trump Administrations.

Managing the Monster

Managing the Monster

Lawmakers should be trained to limit excessive regulation.

Deregulatory Realities and Illusions

Deregulatory Realities and Illusions

President Trump’s claims that deregulation has greatly helped the economy are exaggerated.

Dissecting the Debate Over Regulation

Dissecting the Debate Over Regulation

Commentators debate central questions about the role of regulations in society.

Using Blockchain to Improve Regulatory Analysis and Reform

Using Blockchain to Improve Regulatory Analysis and Reform

Blockchain could provide essential data on the effectiveness of regulations.

Get Moving With Climate Action

Get Moving With Climate Action

Former EPA Administrator urges the public to take action against climate change.

Cutting Through the Rhetoric of Cutting Red Tape

Cutting Through the Rhetoric of Cutting Red Tape

Regulatory counting paints a distorted picture of the costs and benefits of regulatory action.

Uber and Lyft Lobby Their Way to Deregulation and Preemption

Uber and Lyft Lobby Their Way to Deregulation and Preemption

Report shows that rideshare companies convinced the majority of states to enact laws in the businesses’ favor.

Department of Agriculture Withdraws Revisions to Organic Standards

Department of Agriculture Withdraws Revisions to Organic Standards

USDA withdraws an Obama-era rule that would have set animal welfare standards for organic foods.

Addressing Uncertain Forgone Benefits of Deregulatory Actions

Addressing Uncertain Forgone Benefits of Deregulatory Actions

Interested stakeholders may have a role in quantifying deregulatory impacts for agencies.