Let’s Be Real About Trump’s First Year in Regulation
Claims that the Trump Administration has radically reduced regulation are simply not true.
On Immigration, Trump Is No Deregulator
The Trump Administration has significantly increased regulation of immigration—to the nation’s detriment.
Trump, EPA, and the Anti-Regulatory State
Ideological polarization and regulatory capture have made 2017 a bad year for EPA.
What A Difference A Year Makes
Americans should applaud President Trump for rolling back Obama Administration overreach.
Regulation in the Trump Administration’s First Year
Officials and scholars evaluate major developments one year after the President’s Inauguration.
Trump’s Red Tape Rollback
The Trump Administration’s regulatory rollback highlights the opportunities and obstacles that lie ahead.
“Deep State” Claims and Professional Government
Recent research casts doubt on the existence of a conspiracy by civil servants against the President.
Why Government Professionals Matter
The key to improving government is to strengthening—and valuing—excellence in the civil service.
Valuing Professional Government
Scholars and government professionals review new book by former Chair of the Administrative Conference of the United States.
Improve Regulation, Do Not Repeal It
The deregulatory agenda should be replaced with a regulatory improvement agenda.
Regulatory Reform Should Be About Strengthening Legislative Responsibility
Countries like Australia and Canada offer models for reining in delegation of lawmaking authority to agencies.
President Trump’s Regulatory Agenda
PPR panel discussion analyzes the Trump Administration’s regulatory goals and its likelihood of achieving them.