Mulvaney Is Right to Call for More Money for OMB
Expanding a White House office could help shrink the whole federal government.
The Dangers of Formulaic Deregulation
Executive Order 13,771 could lead to incidents like the Grenfell Tower fire in the United States.
The Constitutional Executive Order on Regulatory Budgets
President Trump’s regulation-trimming executive order will likely survive judicial scrutiny despite potential policy objections.
Why a Retreat from Paris Now?
Political science models may help explain the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.
Donald Trump’s Unconstitutional Executive Order on Regulations
President Trump’s “one-in, two-out” mandate is irrational and violates the Constitution.
Trump’s Alternative Economics of Climate Change
The Trump Administration’s new social cost of carbon policy muddies the waters.
Putting in Perspective Trump’s Unwinding of Obama’s Climate Policy
Both President Trump and environmental advocates overstate the effects of repealing the Clean Power Plan.
Will Congressional Review Act Repeals Change Agency Behavior?
The Trump Administration’s embrace of a seldom-used law may undermine future regulatory efforts.
Making Regulatory Reform a Reality
A recent executive order seeks to reinforce the Trump Administration’s regulatory reform agenda.
Achieving Climate Change Goals Without the Clean Power Plan
Scholars argue EPA may already have the tools it needs to effectively regulate greenhouse gases.
Encourage Vaping to Help Reduce Smoking
Scholar argues that governments should embrace vaping’s smoking-cessation potential.