
Regulating Methane Emissions

Regulating Methane Emissions

Scholars discuss regulating methane emissions released by industry activity.

How Artificial Intelligence Can Combat Climate Change

How Artificial Intelligence Can Combat Climate Change

Scholar explains how regulators can use artificial intelligence as an effective tool for slowing climate change.

Utility Ratemaking for Racial Justice

Utility Ratemaking for Racial Justice

Performance-based ratemaking could help lessen racial inequities in energy burdens.

Electricity Problems Are Bigger in Texas

Electricity Problems Are Bigger in Texas

Despite historic power vulnerability, state regulators failed to prepare for the winter storm of the century.

The Legacy of Federal Control in Indian Country

The Legacy of Federal Control in Indian Country

Promoting Native environmental regulation requires confronting historically fraught federal-tribal relationships.

Achieving Climate Goals Will Require Sound Energy Storage Policies

Achieving Climate Goals Will Require Sound Energy Storage Policies

Clean energy systems will not reduce emissions unless states promote effective energy storage policies.

Federalism “Collisions” in Energy Policy

Federalism “Collisions” in Energy Policy

Differences between federal and state energy regulations will likely require judicial intervention.

Pipeline Opposition Impedes Climate Change Mitigation

Pipeline Opposition Impedes Climate Change Mitigation

More pipelines and electricity transmission lines would bolster the fight against climate change.

Putting Trump’s “Affordable Clean Energy” Plan in Perspective

Putting Trump’s “Affordable Clean Energy” Plan in Perspective

Recent proposed rule can be better understood by considering the fate of the Clean Power Plan in the Supreme Court.

Nuclear Energy at the Forefront of States’ Clean Energy Policies

Nuclear Energy at the Forefront of States’ Clean Energy Policies

Expert argues that courts should not strike down state programs that subsidize nuclear power plants.

Regulatory Reform Under Reagan and Trump

Regulatory Reform Under Reagan and Trump

Reagan-era regulatory reform will help restrict rule rescissions under Executive Order 13,771.

Energy Policy’s Orphaned Good Idea

Energy Policy’s Orphaned Good Idea

Lawmakers are missing an opportunity to support renewable energy infrastructure.