Screaming “Wildfire” in a Crowded Clean Air Act
Researchers argue for new regulatory treatment of wildfires to improve air quality and public health.
Solar Panels on a Border Wall
Economic, environmental, and policy considerations underlie the President’s “solar wall” proposal.
Rethinking Chemical and Pesticide Regulation
Study advocates for cumulative risk assessment mandates in environmental laws.
The Constitutional Executive Order on Regulatory Budgets
President Trump’s regulation-trimming executive order will likely survive judicial scrutiny despite potential policy objections.
Ordering Agencies to Violate the Law
President Trump’s regulatory budget executive order withholds agency action and harms the American public.
It Is Premature to Label a Regulatory Budget Unconstitutional
The President’s one-in, two-out executive order may be difficult to implement, but it is not unconstitutional.
Why a Retreat from Paris Now?
Political science models may help explain the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.
Repairing the Leaks in Drinking Water Regulations
Scholars recommend incorporating health-based standards into federal drinking water regulations.
Donald Trump’s Unconstitutional Executive Order on Regulations
President Trump’s “one-in, two-out” mandate is irrational and violates the Constitution.
Ditch the Flawed Legislative Proposal to Police Agency Communications
Provisions of the Senate’s Regulatory Accountability Act would do more harm than good.
Putting in Perspective Trump’s Unwinding of Obama’s Climate Policy
Both President Trump and environmental advocates overstate the effects of repealing the Clean Power Plan.