The Ambiguity in Judge Kavanaugh’s Chevron Critique
Judge Kavanaugh’s views on Chevron may create more uncertainty than exists under the current doctrine.
The Pitfalls of Consistent Cost-Benefit Analyses
A one-size-fits-all approach to cost-benefit analysis won’t necessarily ensure better policy.
Tainted Review
Environmentalists should question any move by this Administration’s EPA to reform its cost-benefit analysis.
Crossing the Regulatory Divide to Enhance Societal Well-Being
Requiring EPA cost-benefit analysis could ensure that regulations do more good than harm.
Regulating Cost-Benefit Analysis
EPA’s advance notice raises fundamental questions about how the agency should weigh costs and benefits.
Consistency and Transparency in Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis
Experts debate EPA’s recent move to consider regulating its own cost-benefit analyses.
The Changing Meaning of Transparency
Scholar argues that despite progressive roots, U.S. transparency laws have taken an anti-government focus.
A Real, Not Faux, Transparency Proposal for Regulatory Science
A real EPA transparency rule should be grounded in scientific practices, not constituency interests.
Pruitt’s Super-Polluting Parting Shot
Former EPA Administrator’s last action may foreshadow the agency’s future plans for regulating pollution.
Regulatory Reform Under Reagan and Trump
Reagan-era regulatory reform will help restrict rule rescissions under Executive Order 13,771.
Challenging the Anti-Regulatory Narrative
The Clean Air Act’s success reveals the flaws in the standard critique of the administrative state.
The Quagmire Created by National Association of Manufacturers v. DOD
Ruling may lead to protracted and conflicting litigation over EPA’s Clean Water Rule.