Will the Trump Administration Drastically Deregulate Environmental Protection?
Initial signs suggest that drastic environmental deregulation looms, but there may be much less than the Administration envisions.
New Climate Resilience Report Emphasizes Cross-Sector Collaboration
The Obama Administration releases report on opportunities to enhance nation’s climate resilience.
Do Environmental Regulations Really Work?
Scholars argue that environmental laws improve air quality despite increases in U.S. manufacturing output.
Filling Up the Gas Tank with Corn, Sugar Cane, and Wood
EPA moves to increase support for ethanol and other renewable fuels.
EPA Finalizes Latest Smog Rule
After a long battle, the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule receives an update.
Restoring Pollution Prevention and the Concept of Positive Freedom
Scholar espouses a renewed focus on pollution prevention efforts, with an appreciation of government’s ability to effect meaningful reform.
If We Can Fix TSCA, We Can Fix the OSH Act
President Obama recently signed toxics reform; now it is time to fix workplace safety law, too.
Finality and the Virtues of Jurisdictional Declarations
The Supreme Court sheds light on the finality of Army Corps of Engineers’ jurisdictional determinations.
The Clean Power Plan Is not Without Precedent
Environmental experts argue that precedent supports contested features of EPA’s major climate change rule.
New Toxic Chemical Legislation Fails on Federalism
Scholar argues that bill aimed at strengthening safety of chemicals runs afoul of principle of precautionary federalism.
Are We Making Progress in Valuing Health and Longevity in Regulatory Analysis?
Although agencies have made strides concerning values for mortality risk reductions, more research is needed on these values.
The Best Way to Implement the Clean Power Plan
Energy policy expert argues that imposing a price on carbon is vital to implementing the Clean Power Plan.