Regulatory Science and the TTIP
Trade talks could help improve regulatory policy in both the U.S. and EU.
The Battle over Transatlantic Financial Regulation
Improved diplomatic processes would help strengthen international economic cooperation.
Behavioral Science in the Regulatory State
New research paper examines the challenges and opportunities of a behavioral approach to regulation.
Judicial Review in American and European Competition Law
Despite differences, antitrust enforcement models in the U.S. and Europe have some features in common.
European Parliament Divided over Proposed E-Cigarette Regulation
Final vote on proposal postponed in face of stiff opposition.
Smarting Up EU Risk Management: The Needed Step Forward
The Smart Regulation agenda of the EU is vital but must be upgraded to manage risks.
EU Reveals New Strategy to Improve Online Privacy
Proposal would unify EU data protection laws and reduce business compliance costs.
European Court of Justice Fails to Scrutinize Precautionary Principle
A recent judgment undermines legitimacy in risk regulation.
Balancing Confidentiality and Transparent Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
EPA and the EU differ over how to respect confidential business information while enforcing environmental regulation.