Executive Order

Trump’s Red Tape Rollback

Trump’s Red Tape Rollback

The Trump Administration’s regulatory rollback highlights the opportunities and obstacles that lie ahead.

Is There an International Case for Trump’s “One-in-Two-Out” Order?

Is There an International Case for Trump’s “One-in-Two-Out” Order?

Comparative study suggests deregulatory policy is stronger as a political symbol than an economic stimulus.

President Trump’s Regulatory Agenda

President Trump’s Regulatory Agenda

PPR panel discussion analyzes the Trump Administration’s regulatory goals and its likelihood of achieving them.

Improving the Public-Private Cybersecurity Partnership

Improving the Public-Private Cybersecurity Partnership

State-sponsored cyber attacks may require revamping how the government helps companies fight back.

Mulvaney Is Right to Call for More Money for OMB

Mulvaney Is Right to Call for More Money for OMB

Expanding a White House office could help shrink the whole federal government.

The Dangers of Formulaic Deregulation

The Dangers of Formulaic Deregulation

Executive Order 13,771 could lead to incidents like the Grenfell Tower fire in the United States.

The Constitutional Executive Order on Regulatory Budgets

The Constitutional Executive Order on Regulatory Budgets

President Trump’s regulation-trimming executive order will likely survive judicial scrutiny despite potential policy objections.

Ordering Agencies to Violate the Law

Ordering Agencies to Violate the Law

President Trump’s regulatory budget executive order withholds agency action and harms the American public.

It Is Premature to Label a Regulatory Budget Unconstitutional

It Is Premature to Label a Regulatory Budget Unconstitutional

The President’s one-in, two-out executive order may be difficult to implement, but it is not unconstitutional.

A Debate Over President Trump’s “One-In-Two-Out” Executive Order

A Debate Over President Trump’s “One-In-Two-Out” Executive Order

Policy experts consider the constitutionality of a cornerstone of the President’s regulatory reform efforts.

Donald Trump’s Unconstitutional Executive Order on Regulations

Donald Trump’s Unconstitutional Executive Order on Regulations

President Trump’s “one-in, two-out” mandate is irrational and violates the Constitution.

Putting in Perspective Trump’s Unwinding of Obama’s Climate Policy

Putting in Perspective Trump’s Unwinding of Obama’s Climate Policy

Both President Trump and environmental advocates overstate the effects of repealing the Clean Power Plan.