Regulating Genetic Self-Experimentation as Biomedical Research
Better oversight is needed of the “biohacking” that individuals perform on themselves.
Bringing Sunscreen into the 21st Century
A recent FDA proposed rule would transform over-the-counter sunscreen regulation.
The Uncertain Regulatory Future of Marijuana-Based Oil
Upcoming FDA hearing could set the course for regulatory approval of the burgeoning CBD industry.
FDA and the Future of Youth Smoking
Former Commissioner Scott Gottlieb recently discussed the e-cigarette epidemic among American youth.
Is the 21st Century Cures Act a Solution or a Problem?
The permissive drug approval process enabled by the 21st Century Cures Act may cause public health problems.
What Tomorrow Holds for U.S. Health Care
Experts offer solutions to pressing issues in American health care.
Determining How to Regulate Encapsulated Placenta
Scholar argues that FDA should use a narrowly tailored framework to regulate encapsulated placenta pills.
Got Soy Beverage?
Plant-based milk producers may soon no longer be able to put “milk” on their labels.
Regulations Coming Soon for Lab-Grown Meat
FDA and USDA’s plan to jointly regulate lab-made meat raises new questions for the future of food regulation.
The Case for Eating Bugs
Scholar argues FDA should regulate insects as food to help address food insecurity.
How FDA Drug Review Contributed to the Opioid Epidemic
Scholars argue that FDA should use larger health data sets in its approval process for high-risk drugs.
Reforming Regulation to Promote Medical Use of Psychedelic Drugs
Expert argues for altering regulations on psychedelic drugs to treat mental illness and addiction.