FTC Issues Pay-for-Delay Report

FTC Issues Pay-for-Delay Report

Report finds consumer harm in rise of pay-for-delay agreements.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Regulatory news in review

Federal Research Center’s New Venture Into Drug Discovery

Federal Research Center’s New Venture Into Drug Discovery

New National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences works with pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Regulatory news in review

Week in Review

Week in Review

Regulatory news in review

Regulatory Agencies Plan for Federal Government Shutdown

Regulatory Agencies Plan for Federal Government Shutdown

Agencies show how they would react to a funding hiatus.

Preemption of Vaccine Injury Lawsuits Upheld

Preemption of Vaccine Injury Lawsuits Upheld

The Supreme Court decides that federal statutes preempt state lawsuits over vaccinations.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Regulatory news in review

FDA Grants Hearing on Proposed Withdrawal of Marketing Approval for Avastin

FDA Grants Hearing on Proposed Withdrawal of Marketing Approval for Avastin

The FDA proposes to withdraw approval for a breast cancer treatment, with hearing scheduled for June.

FDA Seeks Public Input and Increased Funding to Implement Food Safety Act

FDA Seeks Public Input and Increased Funding to Implement Food Safety Act

The FDA holds public meetings to discuss its new authority as some members of Congress question the agency’s budget.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Regulatory news in review

FDA and Importers Gain New Responsibility to Police Imported Foods

FDA and Importers Gain New Responsibility to Police Imported Foods

New legislation increases safety responsibilities of the FDA and food importers.