Is Your Dietary Supplement Safe?
Scholars warn that FDA’s regulation of dietary supplements could pose health risks to consumers.
The Future of the Abortion Pill
FDA’s regulation of medication abortion must be guided by science, not politics.
The Paranormal Nature of Ghost Kitchens
Online-only cooking warehouses are on the rise—but they may evade traditional food safety regulations.
Are Vegan “Butter” and “Meat” Labels Protected as Free Speech?
U.S. courts seem to recognize plant-based companies’ constitutional right to use meat and dairy advertising terms.
FDA and the Importation of Prescription Drugs
Scholars evaluate a recent FDA rule that creates an importation program for Canadian prescription drugs.
Using Subjective Evidence in FDA Review
Scholars call for greater transparency in how FDA uses subjective evidence in treatments for brain injuries.
The Future of Maine’s Food Sovereignty Movement
The increasing popularity of municipal regulation over food production in Maine may attract federal preemption challenges.
Reforming Blood Donation in the Age of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic prompts reforms of blood donation standards for gay men.
Federal Focus Shifts to COVID-19 Treatments
FDA releases guidance on using blood from recovered COVID-19 patients to treat new cases.
Calls for Regulatory Approval of Edible Insects
Edible insects may become essential in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, but FDA regulation is lacking.
Regulating Rationing During the COVID-19 Crisis
Regulators and policymakers review old rules and propose new guidelines for rationing ventilators.
Encouraging Competition Through Generic Drugs
FDA clarifies its generic drug approval process in an effort to encourage market competition.