Value-Pricing Prescription Drugs
Scholar argues that reducing pricing for prescription drugs may increase innovation.
Pet Food Regulations May Be More Bark Than Bite
Regulators strive to keep our animal companions’ food safe, but gaps remain.
Something Fishy About Seafood Inspection
Government watchdog finds that FDA is not properly inspecting imported seafood.
Making Drugs Safe to Kill?
Lawyer proposes a new legal framework for reviewing FDA’s refusal to regulate lethal injection drugs.
Strengthening the Stem Cell Industry Through Better Regulation
FDA should take steps to strengthen the regenerative medicine industry.
Calls for Regulatory Approval of Edible Insects
Edible insects may become essential in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, but FDA regulation is lacking.
Combatting Drug Shortages
A federal task force proposes regulatory solutions to mitigate drug shortages.
Determining the Safety of CBD Products
FDA warns consumers that the agency has not evaluated most CBD products and cannot say they are safe.
The Problem with Regulating Combination Products
Unlike new drugs and devices, combination products may fall through the regulatory cracks.
Breaking Up Big Ag Requires Reasonable Antitrust Enforcement
The FTC and Justice Department must change their interpretation of antitrust laws to protect fair competition in agriculture.
Where’s the Plant-Based Beef?
Scholar argues for promotion of environmentally conscious plant-based diets through regulation.