How FDA Drug Review Contributed to the Opioid Epidemic
Scholars argue that FDA should use larger health data sets in its approval process for high-risk drugs.
Keeping Fraudulent Shrimp Out of Your Cocktail
The U.S. government is clamping down on seafood fraud and illegal fishing for shrimp imports.
The Medical Marijuana Delusion
Regulation of marijuana has been based on a false distinction for almost a century.
How State and Federal Food Regulations Can—and Should—Work Together
Experts argue that gaps in federal food safety rules require state governments to step up.
Invoking a Right to Try in Regenerative Medicine
Scholars caution against using the Right to Try Act to skirt regulation for regenerative therapies.
FDA Reform Needs to Look More Like Tax Reform
U.S. regulators should model the medical device classification process on recent tax reform.
Regulating Food Advertising to Children
Scholars propose accountability model to regulate how food is marketed to children.
Improving Federal Regulation of Medical Algorithms
Scholar argues that FDA should reform its regulation of algorithm-based medicine.
Regulating the Antibiotic Resistance Crisis
Scholar praises a California law that widely eliminates antibiotics use in the livestock industry.
Department of Agriculture Withdraws Revisions to Organic Standards
USDA withdraws an Obama-era rule that would have set animal welfare standards for organic foods.
Fight Over Fowl Livers Continues in California
A federal appellate court decision could send foie gras off the menu—again.
How FDA Should Use Its Authority to Regulate Human Cells
FDA should encourage states to be the primary regulators of stem cell procedures.