Will the ABA Continue to Accredit Law Schools?
The Trump Administration may challenge the American Bar Association’s role in accrediting law schools.
The FTC Green Guides and Recyclability
Creighton Magid discusses the need for revisions to clarify the FTC’s Green Guides.
Holding “Green Gatekeepers” Accountable
Scholars urge policymakers to regulate green gatekeepers to reduce greenwashing.
How Fair Are Online Retail Recommendations?
Scholars offer a new analytic approach to testing platforms for self-preferencing bias.
Final Merger Guidelines Released
The Justice Department and the FTC jointly release final antitrust policy for business mergers.
FTC Proposes Ban on Junk Fees
The FTC proposes a rule that would prohibit hidden and misrepresented fees.
Decrypting Deception in the NFT Market
Scholars argue for regulatory intervention to protect consumers from NFT minting companies’ deceptive practices.
OpenAI Investigation Puts AI Companies on Notice
The FTC’s investigation of ChatGPT may shed light on how consumer protection law applies to artificial intelligence.
Premerger Notification Proposal Faces a Rocky Path
The FTC’s proposed changes to its premerger notification form are unlikely to survive judicial review.
Protecting Medical Privacy on Your Wrist
Scholar argues for greater privacy protections of personal medical data collected by wearable health technologies.
Going for Broke on TikTok
Scholars posit that analyzing TikTok content can help regulators monitor trends in online consumer finance.
Fighting Discrimination from Unfair Algorithms
By taking enforcement actions, the Federal Trade Commission can set standards for algorithmic fairness and nondiscrimination.