$85 Billion AT&T Deal Takes Center Stage as Election Nears
Recently proposed mega-merger falls in the crosshairs of presidential race.
The FTC Will Not Leave Companies to Their Own Devices
The FTC recently issued regulatory recommendations for the growing platform of devices in the Internet of Things.
Navigating the Terrain of Antitrust Oversight and State Regulation
FTC guidance on “active supervision” of state regulatory boards fuels concerns about intrusions on state sovereignty.
FCC Takes Aim at Robocalls
Agency announces release of consumer data in latest effort to combat auto-dialed telemarketing calls.
Is There Hope for Expertise in Antitrust Law?
Sitting FTC Commissioner speaks at Penn Law on the limits of judicial and agency expertise.
When a State Agency is Not a State Actor
The U.S. Supreme Court will decide when a state agency is immune from federal antitrust law.
Is Privacy an Antitrust Concern?
Politicians and activists urge synthesis, but the FTC remains skeptical.
The Costs and Benefits of Data Brokers
Data brokers’ use of big data leads to questions about how best to protect consumers.
FTC Chair Edith Ramirez Outlines Agenda on “Big Data”
Commission head urges efforts to protect privacy, increase transparency, and enhance consumer choice.
Supreme Court to Hear FTC Challenge to Licensing Board
Dispute over teeth-whitening regulations may expand federal antitrust authority over states.
FCC, FTC Merger Necessary to Modernize Communications Regulation, Comment Suggests
FCC’s largely duplicative functions should be redeployed to other agencies, says think tank.
FCC Rules on Robocalls Go Into Effect
New regulations to protect consumers from telemarketers’ automatic calls.