Gender Discrimination

Title VII and the Fight Against Sexual Harassment at Work

Title VII and the Fight Against Sexual Harassment at Work

Courts examine the impact of Title VII and how the prevention of workplace sexual harassment intersects.

Gender Violence in the Digital Age

Gender Violence in the Digital Age

Rangita de Silva de Alwis discusses how technology enables online violence toward women and girls.

The U.N. Cybercrime Convention Is a Promethean Moment

The U.N. Cybercrime Convention Is a Promethean Moment

The United Nations’ Cybercrime Treaty can do more to protect women. 

The Evolving Role of Title IX in Women’s Sports

The Evolving Role of Title IX in Women’s Sports

Scholars explore the impact of Title IX and the importance of fairness and inclusion in women’s sports.

International Solutions to Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence

International Solutions to Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence

Scholars propose regulatory solutions for preventing new forms of gender-based violence.

Defining Discrimination in Health Care

Defining Discrimination in Health Care

The future of gender-affirming care may turn on the definition of “sex discrimination” in the Affordable Care Act.

The Equal Rights Amendment’s Path Forward

The Equal Rights Amendment’s Path Forward

Experts consider obstacles to the ERA’s ratification and propose paths forward.

Achieving Gender Parity

Achieving Gender Parity

Rangita de Silva de Alwis discusses the state of women in leadership positions around the globe.

Is AI-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence the Next Pandemic?

Is AI-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence the Next Pandemic?

The rise of deep fakes and other AI-generated misinformation presents a direct threat to women’s freedom.

California’s Attempt to Outlaw Caste-Based Discrimination

California’s Attempt to Outlaw Caste-Based Discrimination

Existing grounds of anti-discrimination law fail to protect vulnerable groups from bias on the basis of ancestry.

Assuaging Fears About Boardroom Gender Mandates

Assuaging Fears About Boardroom Gender Mandates

Scholars argue that gender-balancing policies will not reduce corporate value.

(Un)Equal Pay for Equal Work

(Un)Equal Pay for Equal Work

Scholars examine regulatory approaches to achieving pay equity.